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Ayaanxtreme8·2/3/2021in General
100 Facts about SAS:Zombie Assault
Note that this fact is made by 4 people, authors are at the bottom and the editor. Credit it if you're going to share it. The facts are fan made and its about The SAS Series. Inspired by Timotainment: 100 Facts (Don't take the facts too seriously, its just a little project we came out with an inspiration)
Zombie Fact 1: Devastators likes human jam
Zombie fact 2: Devastators likes to go to gyms which are evacuated and work out
Zombie Fact 3: Let's take a look at the pods... nope
Zombie Fact 4: Z-droid servants and soldiers like the movie I-robot and Terminator
Zombie Fact 5: Regurgitators are just misunderstood people who ate too many beans and didn’t care about personal hygiene
Zombie Fact 6: When the SAS 3 Devastator meets the SAS 4 Devastator and Savage Devastator, they're mostly going to be good ol’ friends
Zombie Fact 7: A shambler doesn't like their homework being called a shambles, it is an insult to them
Zombie Fact 8: Dark minions are just ghosts
Zombie Fact 9: Shamblers, Stalkers, Spitters, Bloaters, Shielders, Regurgs, etc. approves that being inside a egg pod is the most comfortable place in the universe
Zombie Fact 10: A shielder gets very tired having to haul a shield around every day
Zombie Fact 11: Regurgs never get their stomachs full because 90% of their body is a stomach
Zombie Fact 12: Some shamblers are friendly, but the SAS will always kill them no matter what because they have misunderstood them
Zombie Fact 13: Zombies actually don't think 13 as an unlucky number
Zombie Fact 14: Wickers are 1304°F, Savage Wickers are 1754°F
Zombie Fact 15: Zombies with fiery skin are wondering why something smells like burning, and they are around 200°F
Zombie Fact 16: Poisoned limbed zombies have no idea why they need to use so much cream on their arms
Zombie Fact: 17: Dark Minion Zombies are weebs who never went outside to get sunlight so they became black in colour
Zombie Fact 18: Savage Zombie Mechs are upset by carts, so they call in swarms of zombies to destroy it so their rubber bullets finally get to hit a SAS squadron
Zombie Fact 19: Devastators are just misunderstood people who want to play purge nests by raising skeletons in SAS3
Zombie Fact 20: Dark Minions are 10% Void, 10% Void, 10% Void, 10% Void, 10% Void and 50% Void
Zombie Fact 21: Nightmarish bloaters A.K.A ‘butchers’ Spent too much time eating too much meat so they became bigger and fatter
Zombie Fact 22: Zombies know what 9 plus 10 is, coz they eat so many brains
Zombie Fact 23: Necrosis and Savage Necrosis are decent karens. Well, they are good mothers actually
Zombie Fact 24: Savage Regurgs are shy boys that pulled up too much their jacket so no one sees their face
Zombie Fact 25: I can't do this, its too much
Zombie Fact 26: Savage Loaderboat wanted look different from his brothers so he painted himself red and went to the Gym
Zombie Fact 27: Spitters and Stalkers love to prank bloaters
Zombie Facts 28: Shielders are supposed to shield bloaters, while bloaters tanks spitters, stalkers, and shamblers, but they have less information so they scramble instead of doing a tactic with each other
Zombie Facts 29: Bloaters were really fat when they were alive and used to eat 50 pounds everyday
Zombie Fact 30: Energy Resilient skin zombies tried to become Zeus but they failed
Zombie Facts 31: Regurg and Savage Regurg hate getting burned because they are weak to it, especially Zombie Mech's flamethrower modification, the SAS Flamethrower Turret and the Ronson Flamethrower
Zombie Facts 32: Shamblers don't have a brain to use so they try to eat brains of people who are still alive
Zombie Facts 33: Devastator is about 200 kg, while Savage Devastator is 450 kg due to more muscles and spikes
Zombie Facts 34: Zombies (Except bosses) come out in different types Standard, Fetid, Evolved, Apex, Abominatic, Chaotic, and Voided
Zombie Fact 35: Zombies that are abominatic has increased movement and damage, zombies that are chaotic are 3x worse than an abominatic zombie, and a voided zombie cannot be killed and can trespass any fortifications for a human, more like a nightmarish dark minion i'd say.
Zombie Fact 36: All necrosis(es) are female including spawns. There is no male version of the necrosis.
Zombie Fact 37: Spawns can grow to a necrosis when entered an egg pod for 2 months. Well, some stay as their occupation even when trying to evolve to one, but they die during the process
Zombie Fact 38: Devastators hate cars as they get stuck on them
Zombie Fact 39: Zombie Mechs can never destroy carts and chairs because their bullets are made out of [Redacted], and they never use another way around because they don't have that kind code in their software yet
Zombie Fact 40: No, Nightmarish Extra Strong Berserk Dark Minion Regenerating Savage Necrosis Elite X doesn't exist, it can't be real.
Zombie Fact 41: Savage versions of the bosses are either based on their lifetime or a rare mutation
Zombie Fact 42: Dark minions are believed to be made up of dark matter
Zombie Facts 43: Zombies fear the Nightmarish mutation because of their size and the purple effect rendering around them, just like inexperienced SAS privates
Zombie Facts 43-a: They try to keep away their fear during a SAS assault because the nightmarish zombies doesn't like being left alone
Zombie Facts 44: A dark minion is happy to bully tanks
Zombie Facts 45: Zombies that still have a brain that is safe and well keep backs turned to cured sas soldiers, or just play chess with other zombies with a brain
Zombie Fact 46: Let's take a look at the pods again....... doesn't hatch yet
Zombie Fact 47: Devastators are always upset with the physics of their universe, they can move a chair and destroy cart, but can't destroy chairs and move cars out of their way.
Zombie Fact 48: Let's take a look at the pods the third time..... Still none
Zombie Fact 49: Shielders are aware of their back
Zombie Fact 50: Stalkers are Chokers but with legs
Zombie Fact 51: Apex Runners are just dark crystals
Zombie Fact 52: The bosses hate the stripper, so they are gathering a savage necrosis to make a new abomination
Zombie Fact 53: Stalkers love flexing at shamblers
Zombie Fact 54: Apex shamblers hates standard shamblers
Zombie Fact 55: Worms and Puke Worms are friends, and burrowers too
Zombie Fact 56: Purge Nests are zombie generators, they were originally zombies but mutated into a nest because of a very rare mutation
Zombie Fact 57: No, Zombie Antidote just kills zombies, not cure them
Zombie Fact 58: It looks so much easier than it actually is
Zombie Fact 59: Spitters just spits acidic mucus
Zombie Fact 60: Bloaters are jealous of regurgs
Zombie Fact 61: No that's not blood on the bloaters, they like ketchup a lot
Zombie Fact 62: You don't steal the bloater's weapon, you'll end up being a pile
Zombie Fact 63: Shamblers... are indeed shamblers
Zombie Fact 64: Shielders are still aware of their back since the sas soldiers can easily flank them
Zombie Fact 65: It seems like the pods will never hatch.... because its just money and supplies inside them. What a waste of time
Zombie Fact 66: Dark Minions are just shadows from SAS 3
Zombie Fact 67: A wicker loves to sit on a tub of lava, same goes for the savage and fire necrosis spawn
Zombie Fact 68: An extra strong devastator are proud of their better muscles than before, same goes for apex stalkers elite
Fact 69 Zombie: What
Zombie Fact 70: Zombies use common sense, don't expect too much since they don't use it on most times
Zombie Fact 71: Savages always wonder why standards are always happy when they are around
Zombie Fact 72: SAS 3 Devastators loves to teach SAS 4 Devastators how to do necromancy
Zombie Fact 73: Devastators likes human j- something is wrong (P.S.editor fix)
Zombie Fact 74: Nightmarish extra fast dark minion berserk extra strong acid blood Mamushka doesn't exist, it can't hurt you
Zombie Fact 75: Chokers are just zombie mermaids
Zombie Fact 76: Regurgs can never take onto a diet, instead just puke worms
Zombie Fact 77: In most particular reasons, zombies cannot break anything except shopping carts and barricades. Haha yes, physics
Zombie Fact 78: Zombie Turrets are just some lost brothers of sas turrets
Zombie Fact 79: No the turrets are not shooting the SAS soldiers, they just know when to duck, instinctively
Zombie Fact 80: Zombie Mechs are either going to pulse soldiers to death like nothing or just shoot them like they always do
Zombie Fact 81: A Z-Droid Servant is responsible for the corpses at the "Power Out" mission
Zombie Fact 82: Enraged Devastators can be calmed by getting them iced
Zombie Fact 83: Necrosis(es) likes sweets
Zombie Fact 84: A savage regurg is a rotten regurg
Zombie Fact 85: The 3 necrosis spawns has the necrosis' knowledge divided to each other
Zombie Fact 85-a: The blade aspect Likes the heavy because of his aggressive rushing and getting right in
the enemie's face in combat. The fire aspect like's the assault's aggressive yet and thought out attack, and
the acid necrosis likes the medics chemical concoction in the med-kits
Zombie Fact 86: A Savage Z-Mech likes to keep small egg pods on its top
Zombie Fact 87: There are only 2% of the special species of Abominatic, Chaotic and Voided. Cool and rare
Zombie Fact 88: Unlike all the other zombies, the SAS 3 shambler and the runner have knowledge to avoid blockages such as cars, rocks, etc.
Zombie fact 88-a: Running around a lot has increased the runners mental health, so in turn, how well he thinks of a strategy
Zombie Fact 89: How many total facts are there.. i wonder....AAAAAAA
Zombie Fact 90: A savage devastator grew some visible spines on its back
Zombie Fact 90-a: A savage devastator drew heavy inspiration from the gruffalo, the 2 of them are good friends
Zombie Fact 91: Just like the savage devastator, the savage necrosis' back grows into a spike-ish look
Zombie Fact 92: Necrosis spawns are just the same as savage necrosis spawns
Zombie Fact 93: I can't even read this
Zombie Fact 94: Combot had been actually infected the whole time and sent some sas soldiers to a fake vaccine on their mission
Zombie Fact 95: SAS 3 Bloaters and SAS 4 Bloaters are the same
Zombie Fact 96: SAS 3 Shambler mutations comes in by different colors Standard, Green, and Red
Zombie Fact 97: Savage Devastators' heads are just some very hard rocks with flesh
Zombie Fact 98: A necrosis is 25% Physical, 25% Heat, 25% Toxic and 25% v o i d
Zombie Fact 98-a: Applies to savage necrosis(es) too
Zombie Fact 99: The zombies just want to give the SAS soldiers a hug
Zombie Fact 100: The SAS and the Zombies are actually together, just to make games
Authors: Inkcovenze#6002, Ayaan_X#3989 and ⎝⎝✗༺PŞ¥ĆĦØ༻✗⎠⎠#2599 (Main Author: Incovenze#6002) Edited by: THANATOS#6805 and Inkcovenze#6002 (Grammar Editor: Inkcovenze and THANATOS | Fact Editor: THANATOS)
SAS: Zombie Assault 4Zombies
THANATOS 6805·2/3/2021
Erm...this is the fact editor here
Erm...this is a fact giver here
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