SAS Zombie Assault Wiki
SAS: Zombie Assault 4 Weapon
- RIA 20 Striker -
Manufacturer [?] Rubicon Industries
Ammo Cost [?] $$$ 160 for 200
$$$ 1,600 [RED] Version for 200
$$$ 1,920 [BLACK] Version for 200

$$$ 640 for 200
$$$ 6,400 [RED] Version for 200
$$$ 7,680 [BLACK] Version for 200 (Premium Ammo)

Damage/Pellet 325
650 [RED] Version
975 [BLACK] Version
Total DoT/Pellet [?] 250
500 [RED] Version
750 [BLACK] Version over 2 sec
Pierce 2
Rate of Fire 10 rps, 4 rps (Mobile)
Capacity 30
Reload Time 2.3 sec
Movement -15%
Firing Mode Semi Auto
Weapon Class Assault Rifle
Damage Type ThermalicoThermal
Approx. Drop Level 4
41 [RED] Version & [BLACK] Version
Single DPS [?] 5,750
11,500 [RED] Version
17,250 [BLACK] Version
Pierce DPS [?] 11,500
23,000 [RED] Version
34,500 [BLACK] Version
Augmented DPS [?] 11,500
23,000 [RED] Version
34,500 [BLACK] Version
Crafting Cost [?] $$$ 119,300
$$$ 1,088,840 [RED] Version
$$$ 5,444,200 [BLACK] Version

Alloy 238
Alloy 13,610 [RED] Version
Alloy 163,326 [BLACK] Version

"Thermal Assault Rifle. Oversized white hot bullets wreak high single target damage and burn after effects."
―Official Description

The RIA 20 Striker is a semi-automatic ThermalicoThermal assault rifle featured in SAS: Zombie Assault 4, and is one of the first assault rifles you will get.


The Striker, being a ThermalicoThermal weapon, deals damage over time, and could be described as a weaker, semi-auto version of the ZCS Wipeout from SAS 3.

Compared to the RIA 20 DSC, its physical equivalent, the Striker deals higher damage and has a higher rate of fire than the DSC (On the mobile version however, the Striker has a lower rate of fire than the DSC). This gun is almost a direct upgrade from the DSC apart from magazine size and ammunition cost, having more expensive ammo because of the ThermalicoThermal damage it deals.

This weapon is somewhat effective against various low level enemies except for fire-resistant zombies due to its ThermalicoThermal damage type. The Striker is obtainable fairly early, and is a useful weapon for early to early mid-stage gameplay.

Even though the gun appears to have rather high DPS for its drop level, it fires semi-automatically, and not many people can click at a rate of 10 clicks per second continuously. Thus, that is not the actual DPS of the weapon, but is actually much lower, but that depends on how fast you click.


The RIA 20 Striker shares many features of RIA 20 DSC. Differences include a shorter handguard, an extra compensator, the same scope of Para & a more realistic magazine. The overall aesthestics of Striker is alike to a DMR more than an assault rifle. As a thermal weapon of Rubicon, it has a red glowing line.


  • This is the weapon that the Assault class appears to be holding in the class selection picture, and in the trailer.
  • Like other ThermalicoThermal Rubicon weapons, this has two red stripes on the magazine (black stripes on the [BLACK] Version version), possibly to indicate that the magazine is for use in a thermal weapon. Say, to avoid loading a RIA 20 Para's magazine inside a Striker.
  • This weapon's silhouette is used in the primary weapon slots when said slot is empty.
    • This is not the case in the mobile version.