SAS Zombie Assault Wiki
Grenades From the Support Shot (Flash/PC)
Grenades From the Support Shot (Mobile)
Cyro Grenades From the Support Shot (Mobile)

The M45/M48UHE Grenade is a Fragmentation Grenade that appears in SAS: Zombie Assault 4, there are cyro grenades as well like previous games in the SAS franchise but they aren't named like the M45/48 are. Both fragmentation and cyro grenades can be found randomly in maps as loot or bought in the support shop in bulks of 2-8 and can be thrown by pressing 'F'. The M45 grenade changes into their red variant called the M48 Ultra High Explosive Grenade at Level 30 but the Cryo grenades keep the same name.

  • M45: 650 Physical Damage, cost $2,000 to buy
"M45: "Enhanced high explosives pack this deadly fragmentation grenade that excels at room clearing.""
―Official description
  • M48: 2100 Physical Damage, Cost $10,000 to buy
"M48 UHE: "M48 Ultra High Explosive grenades propel shrapnel at extreme speed for exceptionally devastating results.""
―Official description
  • Cryo Grenade: 200 Thermal (Cryo) Damage, Cost $4,000 to buy
  • [RED] Version Cryo: 630 Thermal (Cryo) Damage, cost $20,000 to buy
"Cryo Grenade: "Mercuized polymer propellants maximize the spread of liquid oxygen, freezing enemies solid and doing damage over time.""
―Official description


Fragmentation grenades are useful when thrown at Shielders, as it can save your weapon's ammunition as well as your magazine, as bullets can get blocked; it can also be used as last resort when the odds are overwhelming you. Throwing 2 to 3 grenades at Shielders are enough to kill them.

However, the fragmentation grenade becomes ineffective if the Shielders or other zombies have Chitinous Hide as they deal physical damage. If these zombies, or a horde corners you, toss the Cryo grenade to freeze them temporary and deal damage or run past them as they will not deal damage to you when they are frozen. Note that they will only be frozen for 1 second

Note that each grenade only has 10 pierce. If using grenades for crowd control, it is advisable to use multiple of them as one cannot entirely take down a large horde of 10+ zombies on its own.

This is a non-combat tip, but you can buy loads of regular grenades before level 30 and sell them once you reach level 30 for a full refund (no profit though). Grenades sell for 20% price, so 10 red grenades sell for $2000, which is how much they cost as regular. As said before, they don't merit any profit, but you don't lose any cash either (besides any you use), so it's good money storage.


  • Grenades are affected by the Assault class's Skill Killing Spree.
  • Grenades can score critical hits.
  • M45 / M48 grenades deal physical damage, Cryo grenades deal its Thermal damage overtime
  • Both Fragmentation grenades are the only versions of grenades in the SAS series to specify its model number, the ONLY grenades actually as the cryo grenades are simply named "Cyro Grenades".