New Update Leak
So recently I was doing nightmare in a server and general chat starts going crazy with the latest leak of the next update.
(They're freaking out because now Krakatoa is nerfed to the ground after so much of pbe abuse)
What do you guys think of this patch?
(I can't actually comment here for some reason so I can only read replies)
Editing Articles
Alright so this is my first day in this wiki. I'll edit most of the faction items and update some weapon articles
What I've edited so far:
- GG17
- Krakatoa
- Fortress breacher
- Avalanche
- Overwatch series (haven't done the boots and gloves yet)
Leaving the SAS wiki
hello active editors,viewers and admins so i have decided to leave this wiki and stop contributing to it for maybe a few months
thanks for the support while i was here
Active Editors or Viewers
Anyone who is a active editor or viewer(one who frequently visits the Wiki) please comment on this post
I hope to god that this is in the blog section
Wiki Adoption
Heya, I'm informing any other editors on the blog about my intentions to adopt this wiki.
The reasons I intend to adopt this wiki is to clean it up, and remove some of the spam articles, create new Articles/Pages, and revamp old Pages/Templates/etc.
There is no active admins on this wiki sadly.
Daily Nightmare Strongbox count
Each entry I post below will be my strongbox collection status for any future day I decide to play all 3 of my main level 100 characters (and maybe my other new characters). Most of which will be absolute trash and my Assault will most likely have all the luck as that's how it's always been in the past. This is SAS4 FLASH btw, so you know now not to be confused as to why I'm getting such garbage with my drops.
Note that this fact is made by 4 people, authors are at the bottom and the editor. Credit it if you're
going to share it. The facts are fan made and its about The SAS Series. Inspired by Timotainment: 100 Facts
(Don't take the facts too seriously, its just a little project we came out with an inspiration)
Zombie Fact 1: Devastators likes human jam
Zombie fact 2: Devastators likes to go to gyms which are evacuated and work out
Zombie Fact 3: Let's take a look at the pods... nope
Zombie Fact 4: Z-droid servants and soldiers like the movie I-robot and Terminator
Zombie Fact 5: Regurgitators are just misunderstood people who ate too many beans and didn’t care about
personal hygiene
Zombie Fact 6: When the SAS 3 Devastator meets the SAS 4 Devastator and…
I never knew that you can do THAT
Fun things.
There is also some side effects (Cannot leave collections menu), but this bug will disappear after reload.
Help with my new weapon plz
I recently bought the Contagion and im wondering Why would i need the "Enlarged " aug? Also what would do? Thank you
Which is Better?
Today im gonna tell you guys which Rubicon AR is better
Thermal bullets,medium fire rate,small mag
High damage,decent stats
Decent stats,light
Which is the best for ya guys?
Hello! and welcome
this is a blog of Mine ideas that are planned for SAS 4 and on Mobile as well
this Would mostly Be focused on Zombies New levels Guns & Others!
l Will put a Voting System so l Can see if people Agree or Disagree on this
Level 3 & 4 of BOREAS (PC and Mobile if ninja kiwi decided to add it on the Mobile Version)
As the SAS Restarted the main Computer and Left the Laboratory they picked a Strange Signal Coming from North West They decided to go and investigate but it Turned into Harsh Winter and Tooked several days for The Soldiers to get there They Couldn't Find Where the signal was coming from Then the found a Bunker like Door on the Ground They couldn't open it so They used Explosives When they Enter The bunker it Was Dark at…
Returning to Roots
Such a long time...
SAS Zombie Assault 2
The Endless Zombie Rampage
Daytraders of the Dead
Did You got to know these, back then?
Know others?
I'm back... kind of...
I just wanted to give you a quick response that i'm planning to contribute a little bit more to the wiki again, at least if i have enough time.
Studying, although it's nice and interesting, can be stressful from time to time, so i wasn't able to play SAS for a while now. Howsoever, i'm still happy to see that the wiki is not entirely dead after all the years, even though the overall contribution decreased a bit^^
Not a big thing, just an early warning from my side :D
PS: my english is still awful, i know (german education system ftw)
hey guys, what's up?
i see a lot of new editors. that's cool, but i don't see the point of doing that in a dead wiki. what's the state of the game currently? dead? anyone still playing?
Bye for now
Hey guys, thought I'd just let you know that I have officially left NK, which pretty much means sas4 too. I have said I'd probably return every now and again to play the odd game when I feel like it, but that's about it.
Thanks for having me here too, I have enjoyed being an editor of this wiki (excluding those few bullies who thought editing my profile to make me look like an idiot was funny, which it was not), but I will also be rarely visiting here too. I have amassed 400 wiki points (probably something most wouldn't brag about) which is a good number, and I think I'll leave it there.
Bye for now.
you nogglers best realise that this form of medium is suffering (I hate to be mean, sorry about leaving it as dead)
you gotta stay woke my dudes.
Trident vs. X-1 Furie vs. M1000
I know that each person has their own opinion about what the best championship weapons are but this blog is to determine what the best weapon is based only on facts about it. Also, what is the best championship weapons based on what class (whether an assault, heavy, or medic).
I'm Back Again
I'm back again!
I have something that Skyrunner worships.
Feel bad since the gun is crappy. Doesn't matter too much since I hacked this particular gun.
SAS4 Challenge
My challenge was to get to from level 1 - 100 in just 2 months. I started this challenge on the first day of May and now it's almost the end of June. Due to the fact that I went on vacation during June for a bit I couldn't reach my end goal and am currently sitting at level 91. Though I thought of extending my deadline to compensate for the missed days that wouldn't work because I'm going on vacation yet again in just a few days. Have any of you tried any sort of challenge in SAS4? How did it go and how long did it take you to reach level 100?
Story Time: To Topple The Necrosis
Welcome, and today I'll be telling you about an almost disastrous game that I was playing today.
Just for clarification I'll tell you what I was using for all of my missions:
- Ronson 70, Regular
- Poison Claw
- Lonestar
- Heavy Grenaider, lvl 15.
And the only notable upgrade I had was Brute Strength 5. Because I hate worms and love yeems.
So like I was saying, it was my 2nd match of the day, and I decided for another random multiplayer game. The game started out regular, 3 people joined with me, a medic and 2 other people. But then, lag spikes struck out of the ground, disconnecting everyone but me and the Medic. The map in question? Survivors, my 2nd most hated level in the game, only to vaccine.
The Level continued as regular, we rescued a few people, …
About SAS
Do anyone thinks that NK would even make next sequel of the SAS?
Because when I mailed NK last year to update and the only thing I got from them is THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
The latest news is that they won't make any updates for SAS 4 and when they released those premium guns which made very huge disadvantage for those gamers who played hard to get their precious equipment and now the beginners who have money can easily outrun the players who've been playing the game for the whole time.
My point is that why should they even add these stuff.
If anyone has news about SAS.
I actually just bring my frustration to NK anyway the topic here is SAS hehehehehehe :D.
hey nerdz
hey nerdz wassup
been a bit busy with stuff and stuff yakno
looks like some new people r frolickin around
is anyone else back, or just gapple?
late 2 year birthday 4 me. yey!
looks like everything sas related is in the trash. great.
Double Meltdown Alloy
Can those who still play the game regularly and visit this wiki often let me know when there's a x3 nm meltdown alloy bonus event going on, cause I'd like to take advantage of the alloy during those times.
I've stopped playing SAS4 regularly, and only play when I feel like it now, but if one of these events are on, I would like to know.
I believe I just missed one too.
1.5 year(s) later.....has anything major happened?
Well...its been a long time and i honestly dont know if anyone will reply to me. I dont think you remember me but i just wanted to ask something that has been bugging me for quite a while now. Has anything major happened to SAS 4 while i was gone. Did NK finally decide to make SAS 5 or is the game slowly dying due to the amount of people in NK not working on the game. I havent even touched my profile for a year now and heck i dont think i even want to,Mobile and Pc... So if someone can give me some info on what has been going on, ill appreceate it.
Old Stats
So, I was wondering if the old stats of the weapons (SAS 4) could retrieved and organized into a blog or a page... What I mean is, not the recent stats of Mixmaster (with 12 RPS), but that when it had 11 RPS and a damage around 115.
I guess that it would be really useful for concepts and gameplay analasis.
If that isn't possible or, has already been done, then, sorry for bother.
Thanks in advance.
How to dominate nightmare mode.
Get a decent weapon with adaptive that has at least has 15k dps.Normal zombies in nightmare are highly resistant to physical,and bosses and zombies with the elite nightmarish modifier are 75% resistant to all forms of damage,so bringing a weapon with adaptive is highly recommended,without it you won't get far. Use HDA (high damage ammo) for boss fights.They increase your damage every mastery level.Base 25% Level 2 30% Level 3 35% Level 4 40% Level 5 50%.HDA is expensive so save it only for bossing and not for clearing.Be at least 50% resistant to all forms of damage.Titan/Guardian/Hardplate for physical,Guardian for thermal,and Medusa for chemical.Combining these pieces of armor should give 50/50/50 with a few points in BAE (body armor exp…
Zombies that lethal after zombie modifiers added (Bosses not included)
Yes, this is my 2nd blog post, admins will bear if they added badge for writing 3 blog posts. So... I want to post what kind of zombies will be lethal when zombie modifiers attained.
- Shambler: N/A, except for noobs with only 0 Heartburn, which in this case, Apex Fiery Skin Regenerating Berserk Shamblers Elite.
- Stalker: Apex Fiery Skin/Poisoned Limbs Berserk Extra Strong Stalkers Elite.
- Spitter:
Apex Berserk Chitinous Hide Fiery Skin Spitters Elite. Yeah, deal with it, we two got rekt in Power Out.Apex Berserk Extra Strong Acid Blood Spitters Elite. - Runner: Apex Extra Strong Dark Minion Berserk Runners Elite. (No, not my thought, but this one) Seemingly the 2nd hatred for me.
SAS4 Shotlite Tempest
Why would anyone get the piercing aug for the Shotlite Tempest? First of all, it only gives you one more pierce, and second of all after you collect all of the black shotguns, the reward is +1 pierce on all shotguns. So, noobs, dont get piercing on a Tempest. It is just a waste of money.
Why Do You Play Medic?
Why do you guys play medic? Do you like helping others or just self-healing?
umm... this anybody this play this game/is it still fun? haven't played this game in about a year and just read it stopped getting updates so... i don't know just checking in after a while
Nightmare Mode Stereotypes
Note 1: These are stereotypes, meaning they usually apply, but sometimes don't
Note 2: These are not generalized stereotypes, these are ones i made from my own experience.
- The highest level always has a bad internet connection.
- At least 1 person has a bad internet connection.
- Levels 65+ never use a sidearm.
- Levels 55-70 try to stay away from levels 35-54.
- Level 100s will never talk in chat.
- If everyone else is dead except for you, at least 1 person is going to say "Run"
- An all-heavy game never ends well.
- An all-assault game never ends well.
- An all-medic game ends very well.
- Don't use the "Ranked Game" button until rank 60.
- Level 100 Heavies really love Teknoboom.
- Level 100 Assaults really love Shotlite.
- Medics are usually pretty nice.
- You will never see …
A fun little tool
I found a little website called, and it had a quite interesting tool. Or should i say, tools.
It has 4 segments: Gun DPS, Armor, Prices, and Gallery.
Check it out:
I am new!
I joined this wiki 3 days ago! :3 But I feel comfort in this wiki, but don't read policies :( .